
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Hide yo' kids, hide yo' goats

Alo from the guesthouse in Bohoc! Last night we experienced three blackouts, but it turned out to be a blessing as the team went outside and star gazed while enjoying the cool air. When we woke up the electricity was back on and we enjoyed a breakfast of hard-boiled eggs, toast, and oatmeal. The food is so delicious and we can never say ‘mesi’ enough to the kitchen staff.

During our devotions today, we talked about how Jesus always took the harder path because it was the right thing to do.  This really inspired us today! After devotions we headed into the village to widen a road. Our Haitian leader told us that it is important to widen the road because it allows the citizens to drive through the road easier in case of emergencies. Before they began to widen the road, many people would die in their homes because they could not drive to the hospitals. The roads are fenced with cactuses so to widen the road, we chopped down the cactuses and re-planted them a few feet back. The Haitians were working hard while praising the Lord for allowing their community to work together towards this goal. It was very moving. We popped a tire on our way to the site, so while we were working on the road our driver was getting the tire fixed but when we were finished, the tire wasn’t quite ready. We walked about three minutes back to the main road where to Rhian’s excitement we passed by five goats. We were all so impressed that the tire was being pumped by an air pump that we would normally use to pump bicycles and basketballs.

After the tire was fixed and was put back on the bus, we drove back to the guesthouse for lunch. Here in Haiti, lunch is the larger meal of the day and today was no exception. We ate beef, mango, rice and beans. We went back to the Kris Sel Espwa to play again with the kids. Some of us enjoyed a perfect moment of singing ‘Father Abraham’ in Creole while it began to rain. After the song ended, we ran to shelter in the school. The kids all had fun sticking their hands and tongues out to catch the cold rain. We left the school before the roads became too muddy. We went back to the guesthouse for dinner. After dinner, we had our devotions and shared our favorite moments for the day.

Right now, most of the team is hanging out in a common room playing Apples to Apples, mafia, and listening to Pitch Perfect songs. Life is good and God is good.

Bon nwi,

Hannah F. and Rhian (who wishes to give a shout out to her momma) 

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