
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Bon Fet (Happy Birthday)

Sak pase, friends?!

We are all getting used to the sound of roosters waking us up bright and early! Breakfast was served at 7am and as usual it was delicious! We had eggs, freshly baked bread, and juicy pineapple. Oh how we will miss this food when we return to the States!

Our devotion this morning came from 2 Timothy 4. In this passage, Paul’s clock is winding down and he gives Timothy his own version of the halftime speech. Paul has challenged Timothy to continue teaching the Gospel, to endure suffering, and he ends verse 5 by saying, “fully carry out the ministry God has given you.” This spoke to us, urging our team to not only be intentional with our words, but with our actions as well. It is our goal to pour out our hearts to the people of Haiti so that we leave greater room for God to impact their lives.

This morning we made many house visits to members of the Bohoc community. It was very exciting for our team to finally see the inside of the homes we’ve been passing all week. The families were all so inspiring and each had a different story to tell. From the woman who is living each day by prayer alone, to the new mother who is trying to find her way to Christ again. Then there was the 100+ year old “father” of the community. Boy, did he have a story to tell! He has seen four generations of his family, has no regrets for his life, and stated that he “can’t wait to go home to the Lord.”

We returned to the Guest House and enjoyed one of our favorite meals. Everyone loved the rice, fried plantains, chicken, some sort of pasta, and the always appreciated Coke!

This afternoon, we returned to the Wisdom Club. Many of us were excited to see the same children we worked with yesterday. We discussed homophones and then enjoyed one on one conversation, sharing favorite bible stories, customs of American culture, and hearing prayer requests. We ended in prayer and song, then said our goodbyes to these wonderful people.

Dinner tonight was a lasagna dish, an unknown yummy green vegetable, and cheese and crackers. We have grown very close to one of our translators, named Wilnot, and after dinner we were surprised when his band, “Christian Brothers,” came to perform for us. We gathered on the second level balcony and listened with much anticipation as they sang their first song in Creole…Happy Birthday! Today, our wonderful teammate Scott turned 22! They continued on and sang five more beautiful songs, Accapella style. Even though we don’t speak the same language, we understood their passion as we worship the same God.  

After “Christian Brothers’” fantastic performance, the celebration continued downstairs. Hannah and Jason coordinated a birthday cake surprise, not only for Scott, but also for Jedlain, our 410 Bridge team leader whose birthday is tomorrow. Jedlain has really touched all of us this week so we wanted to do something special for him as well. Both he and Scott were very appreciative of the cakes and we all enjoyed an impromptu Haitian birthday party!

We are all looking forward to tomorrow’s activities, but we are sad that it is our last full day in Bohoc.

With love,
Jessica and Abby 

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